no more psuedo philosphy (actually a lot more since i'm doing KI now, haha) and freaking fake french talking. man, can't believe i did that. idiot. welcome anwyay to a whole new take, a whole new me. (can't believe i said that). whatever man. enjoy.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
piercing and tattoos: the debate
anyways, the funny thing is that this article was found by my dad, who went online in search of a good and reasonable stand on this issue. As such, i stumbled upon this one day, and found it to be really logical, objective and most of all, "right" in the eyes of God. its one thing to be legalistic and the other to follow God's laws and rules. however, certain things have often been made far-fetched through cultural paradigms, personal agendas and simply old-fashioned legalism. anyway, take a read, and feel free to tag/comment on your views, if any. (the bolded parts are a tiny bit more important)
Whether body piercing and tattoos are right for a Christian is very much a topic of debate in many circles. Not surprisingly, teens comprise the bulk of inquires we have received — often looking for something to use in combat with a parent who has already decided the family position.
To examine the issue from beginning to end, we need to first consider if there are clear (in context) Bible passages that rule out these practices. Make sure you read the whole article (and, as always, the Bible references), or you'll miss much of what this article is about.
Some Christians, who believe that these practices are always wrong, hold up the verse...
Leviticus 19:28 "'Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.’” NIV
... as saying that all cuts on your body (piercing) and tattoos are wrong. Simply put, that passage does not say that. It specifically warned the Israelites to not follow the common practice in the area of cutting your body or marring it (tattoos) in honor of the dead; whether a person or a demon god who is spiritually dead (see also Deuteronomy 14:1, 1 Kings 18:28, Jeremiah 16:6). Some cultures still practice this. In fact, while much of that chapter deals with points of law showing God’s Holiness and sinful practices, many items listed in that chapter where part of the ceremonial law, which was fulfilled in Jesus (Ephesians 2:14-16). That’s why we don’t have to worry any longer about “not wear(ing) clothing woven of two kinds of material. (Lev 19:19)” and “not cutting the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard. ( Lev 19:27),” which is in the verse right before.
Lest anyone goes as far as to try and use Mark 5:5 (as some do), as proof that cutting your body is wrong, this demon possessed person was doing it with an intent to injure and cause pain. Anyone who has an unnatural fascination with cutting themselves or trying to hurt themselves in anyway is in need of help (this could be with sharp objects, or in the form of bulimia or anorexia). It is possible that some who get tattoos and body piercing (especially in excess or very tender spots) fit into this category. This is a principle expressed indirectly in many places in Scriptures, that love of one’s self is natural (see Matthew 22:39, Galatians 5:14, James 2:8, 1 Sam 18:3). This would make hatred of (or want to harm) one’s self unnatural.
Instead of an absolute command on this whole issue, as with many other areas, the Bible does give principles that can (and should) be applied. A few of them are...
1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.
The bottom line in everything we do needs to be, does it glorify God? Needless to say, many messages on tattoos are obviously not to glorify God. Another question you could ask is, regardless of the message, will that sagging tattoo still glorify God when I’m old?
If the piercing or tattoo is being done in an unsafe manner, or in a place that encourages infection, one needs ask how this would be potentially glorifying to God as well. Piercing of tongues and cheeks have been medically shown to fit into this category, even causing long term damage to teeth.
If any of this is being done out of rebellion (against society, parents, etc.) it cannot be glorifying to God. All rebellion is an offense to God...
1 Samuel 15:23a For rebellion is like the sin of divination...
If it’s being done out of vanity, once again it will not be glorifying to God (and this includes earrings)... {em: note vanity is different from wanting to looking good, as opposed to being obessesed with your looks}
1 Peter 3:3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes.
This passage in 1 Peter is not saying that all nice hairdos, clothes, and jewelry are wrong, rather they become so if you have them out of pride and vanity. An overriding question always has to be, “what’s your motive?” God judges motives and actions...
Proverbs 16:2 All a man's ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the LORD.
While some will say that I am soft on this issue, I cannot hold up, in God’s name, a rule that He did not. To do so is legalism, which so many fall into (Colossians 3:20-23). What is permissible and actually commanded by Scriptures is that parents are to care for their children. In like manner, children are to obey their parents “in all things. (Colossians 3:20)” So, that being said, if a parent says no (regardless of the reason), a child is to obey. It becomes wrong simply because the parent has said so and to go against it is to enter into rebellion (which we have already touched on).
While some single out earrings as being okay, while frowning upon other piercings and even multiple ear piercings, or even ear piercings on guys, the same principles still apply. The Bible no more speaks of one earring, multiple earrings, or guys versus girls on this topic. Ultimately they become cultural items which may vary from one culture to another and not all cultural items are bad. In Bible times earrings were quite common and also worn by men (Exodus 35:22, Numbers 31:50, Judges 8:24 [men], Song 1:10, Ezekiel 16:11-12 [note Ezekiel references a nose ring too!]). For another glance at Biblical body piercing for a cultural purpose, examine Deuteronomy 15:16-17 and Exodus 21:5-6.
As a final personal remark, I’ll mention that I know some Christians, male and female, who have earrings that are very tasteful, even as I know some who have far worse. Sadly, some people have ended up going through life with irreversible regrets, something even more common amongst those with tattoos.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
firstly, THANK GOD! for helping through that dastardly thing called the A LEVELS. truely HE is everpresent in ALL my papers, and that without HIM, i would have given up after History SEA. anyway, what was most interestingly funny was that during my A LEVELS, i felt LESS stress that i did when i was in school. irony, no? haha, truely i rue the day that the teachers try to take claim for my good results (which i'm claiming as a promise by the Mercy of God); they have not done much for my academia since day 1. so they can go like be all uppity and hoity-toity as they usually are; seriously the teachers that teach me in SAJC are nothing compared to what i got in VS. like for my VS teachers, like MR KHOO! (pure history), MDM ERNIE (e and a maths), MDM NABILAH (form teacher), and others, they are levels way above my teachers in SA. maybe MS K (lit.) and MRS GOH (KI), could do a little good in terms of teaching; but personal-wise, ALL my SA teachers were horrible. the only saving grace of SA's teachers were my Council teachers, like MS HUANG, MS LEE!, MR CHONG, etc. haha, they are so understanding and all; my curriculum teachers are almost arrogant, stuck-up and totally uninitiated into the life of a JC kid. they treat us children with the IQ of -150, and always insult/mock/humiliate/provoke/irritate us in more ways than one. its good that they want to keep a teacher-student distance, but there's no need to do so in such a manner. anyway, thank GOD its all over; soorry for the rambling on anyway.
what's more important in that mumble-jumble is the sole fact: trust in GOD, and in yourself; though THEY (SA teachers) might get you down, or think you're good-for-nothing, always have faith and continue to do the things of GOD, and all things will follow.
a little testimony: for almost all my exams, i had to SPOT due to the lack of time/energy/motivation. i know its the worst exam attitude, probably a result of my O LEVEL experience. i was kinda depressed and being all retarded during my end of Sec 4 year, and was quite ready to flunk my Os. but GOD and his amazing mercy saved my ass, and delivered me to a 9point. sooo, i guess maybe this time round i got a little complacent with GOD, or maybe i just was too far away to see GOD in this picture. my first paper, SEA HISTORY was horrible and horrendous. i only could do like two of the three essay questions; had to like do something with the third, and i didn't get to finish my SBQ. and this was the paper i studied for MOST, cos its' the first (though even so, it's not a lot).BUT, for the next few papers, GOD gave me such a peace, and assurance that i could do my paper, and feel happy about it. take for example, ECONS! i only studied on MON night and TUES morning for my TUES econs essay paper, and i could do all my papers. haha, also, i stupidly went to borrow TWO library books on MON after LIT, and read both by TUES night. (the same week). retarded right? now for fear of people calling me a boast, i'm only boasting about God's goodness and mercy; it has nothing to do with me, except for me being the vessel of God's miracle.
this is because, if you knew me throughout JC, it would never occur to ANYONE to peg me as an A student; far from it.
so here's more hoping, praying, believing with faith for good results; and even more so, a scholarship to wherever GOD wants me to go. this might seem like such a different EM from before, but trust me, freedom + GOD does wonders to anyone, hawha.
anyway, this few days have been such a blessing for me; everythings looking up for a bright few months, so i decided to also do a checklist/resolution.
(it no order, yet)
1. buy my ukelele, and become a pro player
2. finally learn more chords on the guitar other than G,D,Em and C, and play them in a melody
3. learn french/spanish/hebrew from JAN onwards
4. go and start writing stuff
5. swim, gym and run regularly to transform skinny chicken to buff KFC (look good, taste good)
6. read all the books i want and have to
7. persuade my parents to let me do a motorcycle licence
8. go look and buy a good DSLR
9. get a MACBOOK, black in colour
10. reguarly update my blog
11. get a proper job for once
12. plan and go overseas with the peeps (phuket, tioman, some beach..)
13. wake up BY 9 everyday (to make the most of my day)
14. restart drawing, painting, art-ing
15. be nice to everyone, esp my parents
16. start saving money
17. jam regularly with the peeps
18. dye my hair
19. learn something new, like diving or wake-boarding
20. get a time-machine so i can get a free four months again. (repeat)
hahah, so i'm just gonna enjoy life, relationships, and try to strike out again as Christian, son, friend, acquaintace, and human being. as a rival school says, CARPE DIEM.
have fun you guys, hope to see you around.
Friday, October 24, 2008
ON a completely different note, i went to sulynnnn's play, a remake of Kuo Pao Kun's the Prince and I, and i must say it was not too badly done. i haven't seen the original so i wouldn't know the comparison. but good job nonetheless kiddo.
i guess when we care for the wrong things, caring can be futile, and maybe even bad.
so i guess i should just not study?
i wish.
where's my little rose to protect?
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Last Stretch
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
The Bare Truth
Last Saturday for YA (young adults) service, we had the Praise and Worship Extravanganza night, and boy was i glad i went. For the past weeks/months, life's been terrible and my walk had faltered so much. Like backslided. I mean i didn't go that havoc or anything, but it was just really different from before. i know that this is nothing really interesting to some of you, but my experience and my life in God is really nothing short of amazing, and that i really feel compelled to give this testimony. I guess it started from before my Os. Before that i was in the YM committee and in leadership all that. I guess i was pretty ONS, in a good way, and that my walk was good, consistent and i heard from God regularly. But something changed along the way. I'm not too sure what it was, but i guess it was because of the people around me who began to fade away. I would hate to say that i was influenced by them but i guess to a large extent it's true. I've always thought that i wouldn't be the one who would be pulled away when others leave but i guess i wasn't strong enough. And i was so ready to leave church. I mean it was a pretty low point in my life, like i broke up with my ex, was having to deal with really crap prelim results, and the impending Os, and the stress from having to deal with both seven-day-a-week church commitments and the problems at home at that time was pretty overwhelming for my little 16 year old mind. I was so ready to walk away from it all, and taste a bit of the outside. I guess having grown in such a pious and "religious" family from young made me a little curious to wonder what i would have been like in another life. But God, i guess, really is that omnipotent. A deliverer in the form of my mentor Isaac, had a vision of a boxing match that pictured me struggling with God. And all this without having told him anything except how stressed i was. He said, that i was on the verge of a spiritual death and that the struggles with God is killing me, and that if i left, it would be the final straw. I know this sounds a bit morbid and scary, and i was quite fearful at that time, i realised that deep down, God loved me so much to want to see me leave. And now, older, i know that if i had left, i would have never gone back. And that i guess would been pretty terrible knowing how my life would just have gone downhill down there with the kind of people i hang out with. So instead of leaving, i stepped down from leadership and focused on music ministry. I went to Church regularly, and did the "normal Christian" things. but i guess to an extent, i felt really empty, not like before. I guess as i grew older, i grew more jaded, more cyncial and harder to feel. Without going to much detail or throwing a sob story, i guess one of my greatest weaknesses is in the area of love. I mean i know that people and God love me, but the problem i guess over the years, each time i get hurt or something, i constantly put up walls around my heart. its not a trust issue, rather i get so numb sometimes that i don't feel love or loved, or that i give love. like i know my parents really really love me, but its just that, knowledge. and i now, i know the walls are still up. each time during praise and worship, i cry out to God, i cry out to feel His love, but often i feel that tiny little bit before it gets sweeps away. and i know that its cause of all the walls i put up, and that i prevent God from reaching into my heart. i guess it could be that i'm afraid that i would get consumed by it, and that i'm afraid that if i put my heart in it, and that if it doesn't work out, i would get really hurt from it. and guess, that this time round, going back, i'm really trying to pry out my heart and lay it before Him. and well tonight has just been awesome. i was just doing a little mini p and w, and QT at the same time, i singing How He Love Us, and like i really really felt the peace and assurance that comes from His love for the first time in such a long while. If you haven't watched the video in the youtube section, please do, and watch the WHOLE thing. cos it's like super awesome. the girl, Kim Walker even says in one part about how some people have not encountered the Love of God, how He wants to encounter them. And how the Love of God changes us, and we're never the same after encountering the Love of God. and wow. i pray pray pray, that this is not some short term change. my "grandpa" who's my mentor's mentor, was saying before that no matter how deep i get into a hole, God will always be able to pull me out. and i guess, that this time round, the really earth-core deep place i got myself into, God has delivered me out of.
"the wickedness of the wicked man will not cause him to fall when he turns from it" Ezekiel 33:12
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
On a brighter note, it's the mid of the much needed hols, and the mid of the f-ing prelims. Anyway, life's been better; a little.
Thinking of taking up smoking. Heard it relieves stress. Somehow it's smelling nicer.
I'm lying.
Anyway, it's the f-ing stress that's been getting to me. Dunno why, but for the first time in my entire academic life, school's been a real pain in the ass. Coupled with the stupid shizz thats been going on, it seems God is out to get me (though i know otherwise). I've been really really freaking faraway, and like what Rach felt, I feel like an outsider. I went on Saturday a couple weeks back, and like i was just standing freaking alone. I know it's cause the rest were busy and stuff, but compared to like years before, i would be able to talk to ANYONE. Times have changed, and maybe, we've grown up and grown apart. Both with the people and with God. Crisis.
I'll probably get a flood of concerned messages, but i guess its time to take it slow and alone. Though i said i felt like an outsider, the scary thing is that it feels alright. Loneliness as much cursed and feared, seems okay. Maybe i just don't care anymore. And thats what scares me most.
For those peeps who've been asking, i'm okay alright. I know i've been (and probably still) in a bad state and all, but thanks for your concerns and all ok.
Life's just one big mess, and we live to unravel it.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
my generation
(disclaimer: do not read if you STARE at the juice box when it said CONCENTRATE. haha ok just kidding. ripped it off Facebook.)
You know if I see another one of those hoity-toity remarks in the newspaper/magazine about this youtube/myspace/insert-popular-culture generation again, I swear I'm gonna blow.
I mean seriously, this is the new and evolved racism and discrimination. Forget nigger or chingchongChinaman, the new white is black shit schmits. Yes pick on us. Each time I see that freaking phrase, it's usually followed or preceded by a negative impression of kids these days. "oh you know this ~ generation, they are all bout the (insert any form of youth-related activity/passion/hobby). where has all the cerebral action gone too? I mean these days, the movies they watch are all action and bangs, and booms and........." you get what I mean. You might be thinking, this guy is seriously warped and making a mountain of a molehill. But hey blame me from standing up for our people.
To a large extent, these indeed are things that characterize our generation. Myspace, Youtube, Friendster, Facebook, etcetera etcetera. But ever thought the idea of why they use these words coupled with the word generation. I hate generalizations; they are often unfair and untrue for the majority. Such as "kids these days". Yes I'm an anti-adults-who-hate-or-pick-on-teens kinda of guy. Generally I hate people who make assumptions/perceptions/remarks about groups of people that they 1. don't understand, 2. don't know anyone from that particular group and 3. make on a single or few encounters. Here's a little logics lesson. Basically, there are two types of LOGIC. Deductive logic is from the general (premises) to the particular (conclusion). For example (which is used a lot in Philosophy or KI):
Premise 1. All Men are Mortals
Premise 2. Plato is a man.
Conclusion . Therefore Plato is a Mortal.
Simple right? Induction is the opposite. Inductive logic is from the particular to the general. Meaning, if I have seen 10,000 or 100,000,000 white swans, I could inductively conclude that all swans are white. While this is true for most cases (as we use induction most of the time), it is not always right for there are black swans. In this case, 3. in the hate people group, they would fall under biased induction, in which a certain event/action done by a single member of a group is then implicated onto all the members of the group. Here we can derive two things. Firstly, do all teens watch Youtube? or take part in Myspace? or have MTV? Flawed Induction. Secondly, if there were two million teenager Ah Bengs/Lians in the world, does it mean all teens are Ah Bengs/Lians?
The point I'm trying to get at is that we aren't defined solely by what we do, and definitely not by what others do. I think it's an unfair indicator of our generation to pin something like "teenage smoking" on all of us, and say "kids these days". I mean I could be studying for A&C and P&P now for Lit tomorrow, but will I be a "muggertoad" just because I did so? Here, it's not just those few adults who do so; we are at fault. Now, generalizations are not all bad. We use them all the time. Even the previous sentence was a generalization. It's convenient and useful in helping us make sentences about activities that most if not all people partake in. However, the line needs to be drawn at irrationality on people's part. This is where my earlier charge of "this is the new racism" comes from. Bias and prejudice is both a cause and effect of irrational induction. By forming preconceived notions that are flawed or untrue are the basis of racism or any other form of discrimination. I do not believe racism is innate, but rather a consequence of the environment around us and the way we think. Though some scientific reports have reportedly concluded that racism is partly biological, I believe firmly, whether the reports are true or not, discrimination is a conscious thought that becomes a subconscious paradigm. The Indian man who has a funny accent does not mean all Indian have funny accents (and perhaps why we think its funny it's probably due to cultural differences in that to us, it's abnormal or strange. they probably think the same of us) . I love racist jokes, no doubt most people do. But this ain't no hypocrisy. Discrimination is the unfair treatment of groupings of people based on bias and prejudice notions. And I deem the unfair generalization of our generation a discrimination which serves to not only undermine our generation and what we do/could do, but as a platform for the breeding of such discrimination.
Discrimination ain't no lone soul; it begets it itself through speech and action and through common prejudices. Imagine this scenario; Aunty A who does not like teenagers after a traumatic incident involving a teenager robbing her of her precious LV bag and Aunty B who is neutral (in the truest sense of the word despite full knowledge it may never exist).
Aunty A: You know ah, that day, this stupid boy, stole my bag.
Aunty B: Oh, were you hurt?
Aunty A: Nope, but he took my LV bag which cost $3000. Kids these days are getting from bad to worse. Like that also want to steal my bag.
Aunty B: But it was only one kid, why blame all?
Aunty A: I tell you, all of them are the same one lah. All up to no good. Look at the girl, see how her skirt is so short?
Aunty B: But your skirt is shorter than hers................
And you see how one things lead to another, and how sometimes, they themselves practice double standards.
Now this ain't no call for arms against adults nor those hate-rs. Just my venting of exam frustration and sparked off by some stupid newspaper article. I like our generation. We are different, have different values, believe different things. I don't think it's right for people to enforce what they think or believe on us. Different generations have different values. I do believe in universal moral standards and codes of conduct that should be appropriately followed at certain times, but I draw the line at criticizing others for their short skirt/long hair. But on another note, difference in values is normal and part and parcel of evolving societies and cultures. I mean, girls go to school, afro-Americans are allowed to sit on the bus, and all that are signs of changing times (I know it's not a recent phenomenon but it's just an example). As such discrimination evolves into subtler forms, through the use of non-offensive words to mean otherwise. So its time we learn not only to stand up for what we believe, but take charge of what we do feel for. Apathy is just so passe. But also I think we are equally at fault in not being understanding of previous generations. I'm certain years down the road when we have our own kids, I'm sure I'll ask my daughter to change out of that mini-skirt. I guess it's not just a matter of perspective or age, but rather inner beliefs and paradigms which are being sculpted by the environment in which live in.
(Disclaimer, this next section is a step away from the previous logical argument made.)
But then again. Think what you want, believe what you want, feel what you want. At the end of this mini-essay, I guess I really don't care. I used to care for what is being said and the unjust things; but I guess sometimes I care too much/think too much about small little shitty things and it just makes me unnecessarily upset. So I guess I shouldn't care at all; and perhaps that's why we don't care about anything.
Jadedness is the new apathy. Yes I'm a hypocrite. But hey, I'm a teenager.
- You laugh at me because I am different, but I laugh at you because you are all the same.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
TEN or maybe a HUNDRED things about ME.
Another way to cheat by not really updating my blog.
If I were a month I would be: JUNE! (*hint especially the 28th! haha)
If I were a day of the week I would be: Saturday
If I were a time of day I would be: 1313 ( I just like the number, haha)
If I were a planet I would be: Mercury. Too bad, Pluto.
If I were an animal I would be: A wolf (who isn't big or bad)
If I were a piece of furniture I would be: Biting the ass of anyone who sits on me (a nice comfy sofa)
If I were a historical figure I would be: Myself! (or Elijah)
If I were a liquid I would be: Cranberry Juice
If I were a tree I would be: dying from the Global Warming (a Treellionaire. haha, ok lame joke)
If I were a flower/plant I would be: still dying from Global Warming (a Venus Flytrap)
If I were a kind of weather I would be: affected by Global Warming ( a windy, cloudless day)
If I were a car I would be: GLOBAL WARMING! (but still, a BMW M6 Convertible. I'm a bit more realistic.)
If I were a musical instrument I would be: the UKELELE!
If I were an emotion I would be: Confusion. *zaps you in between your eyes*
If I were a color I would be: Black
If I were a fruit I would be: Non-existent due to GLOBAL WARMING! (ok sorry last one. erm, a Granny Smith Apple)
If I were a sound I would be: The wind blowing against trees or water against rocks
If I were an element I would be: Water or if we're talking science, Hydrogen (yeah same difference)
If I were a song I would be: Creep redone by Lukas Rossi (nah kidding. A holier Second Chance by Hillsongs United)
If I were a movie I would be: C.R.A.Z.Y (wanted Little Miss Sunshine, but thought it was a little too misleading)
If I were a book I would be: Interworld by Neil Gaiman and Michael Reeves
If I were a food I would be: Kobe Beef Steak ( I ain't no cow, but it's superduperly REPORTED to taste awesome)
If I were a place I would be: Great Barrier Reef (or another great beach in the world)
If I were a number I would be: 13
If I were an object I would be: MY BED. cos it's the best bed in the world. (see, can't fault me for oversleeping!)
If I were a body part I would be: My rock-solid abs (or a pair of eyes)
If I were a facial expression I would be: Expressive
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I really really love this song, which Jason Mraz just redid (he did the original too, but this is like a fresh new take on it)
And gosh, how I wish I could live my life like that. Just my sunglasses, a nice cap, great beaches and no worries. Man, is that the life.
AND here's a few more songs that I picked up recently. (including covers)(haha yes I'm cheating so that I don't have to write a real post and yet still be updating)
What Hurts the Most by Boyce Avenue (Original: Rascal Flatts/Cascada)
Listening to Freddie Mercury by Emery (and yes I like screamo)(though my parents are giving the what-in-the-world-are-you-listening face)
Hips Don't Lie by the Fray (original: Shakira)
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Awhile ago, I posted some pictures of nice memories and the people dear to me. AND I completely left out (really unintentionally, cos I had intended to put them in) my lovely cell matees. AND, really it's such a crime cos' these are the people who really watch out and care for me, especially our crazy cell leader RACHael! I And (in no particular order) the rest; Aikey thanks since the beginning cos when I came to YA as a non-member of YM (like after stepping down from comm), you really became a friend and like a brother to me!; Lukey for the times since being in Gabsy's cell till now, for being my granduncle and you really are one hell of an uncle; Nic, it's weird seeing you as a cell member, but as a friend and a sister, you're real dear to me and hopefully we haven't lost all the great memories these many years!; Gaisu, well you always be my first best friend for those many childhood years and it's been great knowing your crazy self all these years; Joseph for your bald NS commando head and for the times where you seem to be somewhat fatherly, other than that... just kidding; Alena, for your great sense of wit and lovely bone structure, haha, and for all the things I think we share in common; Rachel and your awesome encouraging spirit; Isaac, my first ever mentor and all that, thanks for everything these years and without you, you know what would have happened, thanks so much dude, and thats really an understatement yeah. AND those not in the picture and those who were in the cell before, thanks for making cell sucha wonderful place to be in and really like my second family. (AW, I'm like so mushy I can't believe it)
Saturday, May 10, 2008
The Beauty of Maths
I don't really read chain-mails; usually just delete them, but my inner geek somehow had some provocation to go ahead, and this is pretty cool.
Beauty of Math!
1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111
9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
Brilliant, isn't it?
And look at this symmetry:
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111=12345678987654321
Now, take a look at this...
>From a
strictly mathematical viewpoint:
What Equals 100%?
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?
We have all been in situations where someone wants you to.
How about ACHIEVING 101%?
What equals 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help
answer these questions:
Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
THEN, look how far the love of God will take you:
12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+4 = 101%
Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:
While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will
get you there, It's the Love of God that will put you over the top!
UBER GEEKNESS right? (cool, but I think someone out there doesn't have a life)
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Well, this two weeks have been great. I was walking to school the other day with Rachel, and I thought of this theory about school life. For every two great (meaning slack) weeks, follows two intense weeks. And as stupid as it sounds, it's been quite true for the past month plus so far, and will stay true for the next two weeks. The first two weeks I realized this trend, was really sucky because work was piling up like crazy and it was in the midst of Selection Camp. But the two weeks following that, which includes this week, was pure bliss. There was like ONE test, and so little homework; like as in normal workload but I managed to complete all my assignments and thus not owe any teacher anything. However, as with the Parent Meet Teacher meeting repercussions, my new timetable (which I like had to write for myself) really sucks; four papers this week and loads of work to do (like 4 Econs essay outline, and so on). So oh well, it's like 22 days more to the holidays. And some how, my teachers mostly seem nicer. WOW.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Culture Vulture
I'm Peranakan, and proud to be so. I was in the you-know-where doing you-know-what and reading the Today papers, when I happened to come across a little column featuring PERANAKANS, sparked by the recent opening of the Peranakan Museum at Armenian Street. So a little background history of me. Both my mum (confirmed, double confirmed) and my dad (as far as he knows, he's kinda sure, but it's a bit too shady cos' he was brought up by his aunt) are Peranakans, and so is my brother (duh), cousins, grandparents (except one grandma I think), and so on. We are the quintessential Peranakan family, all except one thing, we don't eat Peranakan food at home. Now my mum is Peranakan Chinese-Malay; my Grandpa has Peranakan blood but is considered Malay, while my Grandma is the Peranakan exception. Unfortunately my mum only cooks Western, and I do really mean only. So all we eat (under her) is pasta, and the likes. My dad on the other hand is like so traditionally Chinese, and he cooks pretty good Chinese, though he mainly only cooks Chili Crab because he's quite lazy to cook. So till now, no Peranakan food (except occasional eat outs, and surprisingly my maternal Grandma's cooking. We have good belachan though). How sad is that right?
But anyway, I found the article really cool cos' it rang so so true. Cos of the foodie thing, I always felt not-very Peranakan even though I really do wear it loudly on my sleeve. But the article is so awesome, cos' it spelt out some common characteristics and behaviors of Peranakans and I felt like I was looking at a literary mirror.
1. "But some say Peranakans have unique features, such as bigger eyes, sharper facial features and a darker complexion that most Chinese". So a general no to the first and third, but a loud yes to the second. While I'm obviously sorely lacking in the anime-eyes department, my eyes can be extended to quite a large proportion, so we could count that as a half? As for the second feature, well, I myself think I have quite sharp features and in this case especially my eyes and cheeks. And I guess it's true cos' I remember a few years back when I told this older lady that I was Peranakan, she replied that she had thought so because of my sharp features. As for the third, I'm so freaking white la. But I think this is probably due to my Grandma cos' she, my mum, closest cousin and closest uncle are like almost albino la and contrastingly, my dad, brother and Grandpa are pretty dark. So fair is fair eh?
2."babas are truly mama's boys""They are all spoilt""Until today, all Peranakan men are lazy. They behave like kings." True.
3."Behind the veneer of propriety and solid work ethic, the Peranakans of yore were genuine party animals". Kinda parallels how guai and law-abiding I am in school, and like doing so much work in the SC, and yet to an extent being able to party still. (Not that I party la, but I mean have like loads of crazy fun)
4. "Young descendants speaks Singlish, English and a smattering of Mandarin (a totally-alien language to them)". SO so true. SO if you think you had it hard for Chinese, think about me! I guess my mum was still part of the older generation, cos she and my dad both speak "baba patois" (which is a Malay-based language that includes a bit of Hokkien) and so Mandarin was so totally "alien" for me. It was like my mum had no basic idea, that when I went to kindergarten, she had to pick up Mandarin along the way so that she could teach me. Even my stupid Chinese name which is so like a girl's, was given by my mum's ex (who became a really good friend)'s grandfather, who like took my name out of the dictionary based on nice meanings. Thanks a lot genius. Haha, anyway I got an E for Chinese! YAY!
5. "Their tendency to speak fast and their uncanny ability to swiftly change topics when they talk." Check. I guess if you know me, you would have probably encountered instances where I just mumble at lightspeed where no one understands me. And proving the second point, I would then change the topic. Haha. Love this point. Allows me to talk to myself without looking crazy. Haha.
6. "Occasionally, one has to mind-read as well". This is due to our tendency to think that the people we are talking to can hear or know our thoughts and then we talk to them on this assumption. Haha, especially in KI, WC always says that I tend to jump my thoughts; like when I was talking about Point 1, then I would think of counters and alternate views, then jump to like point 5 where I reach a conclusion on my part, and start talking about it like everyone knew the in-betweens. I must admit this is quite funny, cos' I had no idea that I was doing that at all till he told me. Haha, but I think my ability to mind-read is pretty poor as compared to my parents, cos' they love to say things out of a sudden like " You know the one that I met the other day when I was coming home..." and I would be like "what one"? But somehow like everyone else except my brother and I can like totally communicate seamlessly without asking "who is that". I'm like ! each time that happens.
Well I guess this was pretty boring for most other people, but I think I had fun doing it and analyzing myself as a Peranakan. And at the end of it all, I guess I do feel and behave like a Peranakan. Woohoo to us!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Today was Sports Day, and I guess the fact that it would be my last Sports Day made me think of the people in my life, and how I would be so much (?) if I didn't have them. Short of emo, I took it as an opportunity to tinker around more with Photoshop. I know it doesn't look much but well, some were taken on my phone, so yeah, it's at best as it can get. And if you aren't here in any of the pictures, or you belong to a group but are not in, just know (so that I don't make too many enemies, haha) that I might have thought of you, haha.
Well, of course, what would I do without my class, oh class. 07A06 forever yeah. Even IF we come last, you're (one of the) first in my heart, and said with no irony.
Part of the 30th Student Council, I'm glad I got these people running beside me in the Exco, and especially the guys, and how we get along so well with our half-brother Amanda, haha. And yes, remember the "toilet break" on SC Bonding Day at Sentosa (top)?
My first-three-months-BFFs. (Top, LTR) Mas, Debbie and Me. Remember those good old days? And representing the rest of our ginormous clique, (Bottom, LTR) Liz, Shawn and Ning. Nat, if you see this, remember that YOU have to get our reunion organized, haha.
(Top, LTR) Wai Ying, Xiu Wen, Shaun, Chin Meng and Me plus not in picture Verine in KL. They represent the rest of the SC, and the great times we spent together. And of course not forgetting Calvin and Joseph, and the rest. The Bottom picture is of course of my beloved alma mater, and my class 4E. The sweet memories.
My bestie in school, Mr Yap Wei Chiang. Thanks a bunch. And at the Bottom, is childhood (lover) playmate Gracie-kins. Not only for our great friendship, but for everyone else in our huge clique; Gaius, the Bens, Nelkai, Vaness, Nicole, and the rest. Thank God for great friends through the years. It's been a great many years knowing you guys!!!
And of course Family. Though we aren't exactly the closest of close anymore, i'm glad to see you guys around still and well, it's memories isn't it.
Oh well.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Me and My Technicolor Tree
Now isn't that just too cool? I downloaded Photoshop CS3, and it rocks to the core.
N-way. Here is a little formulae I just thought of to sum up my life.
School + Homework + Council = Infinity
Rest and Photoshop time = 1
Infinity - 1 = Infinity
So I guess you know who wins.
(PS: this blog has been comment-enabled; it's at the bottom of each post. just click on wanna have yours)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Apathy Homeopathy.
Choice Quotes:
" So the time to do something is now, before you get bogged down, you know, like a life".
" Scratch that biological and sexual need. Safely, please."
" Become the ripple in the poisonous political pond that we are currently living in."
" So Robert F Kennedy said that. They killed him, so it goes."
And so it goes. Well of course, wake our generation up from the mindless business as usual. "I'm f*cking disappointed in you". So while he goes on being f-ing disappointed with our generation miles away in the Land of Liberty, I can't but help see the glaring parallels right here in our sunny little island. Other than that, it's kinda (surprisingly), too controversial for my small little mind to have any comment on. Enjoy, and get outraged/bored/disillusioned/inspired/pissed off/influenced. (I currently feel all of the above, so I've conveniently decided not to air my views)
And " I stay in so you can go out" so doesn't cut it.
On the other hand. Here is a video response that represents my other half of my thoughts. He kinda talks in a pretty retarded slow manner. But he makes sense, so listen.
Yeah, I only don't agree the "do it civilly" or "talk to leaders" and especially "write congress". Yeah and that's so gonna help. But of course, what's the "solution"?
"If you wanna get laid, go to a club". Haha. And this other video response is hilarious. I think here is the solution. Haha.
And something uber unrelated but utterly hilarious.
This could sum up our generation I guess.
"If he's gonna come in here, he's gonna kick my ass... Then I can kick his ass".
Happy studying people of the Block Test Zero One. It is two more days to go, woo to the hoo.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Rant Central
I'm not sure whether its cause the impending exams or because I just trashed my computer opponents in a game of hearts (with 0 score no less), I feel in a rather rant-y mood .Take it as an assessment of life (mine in particular) since the beginning of the year. (DISCLAIMER:It's not all rants LAH. )( And it might be a bit childish or whatever, but I guess I need some place to get a load off my chest)( And And no deep musings/philosophical tidbits here, only real and honest narration) .
This year has sucked. Somewhat different, on so many levels. I've been called arrogant (by a teacher no less), made a new best friend, gotten admirer(s), got lost in love's conundrum and the list goes on. Not all are bad. Not all are good.
On the plus, WC is my new best mate, and of cos' there are certain connections to be made there (which the four of us know only). My love life (if there ever was one) is in the boondocks; terribly stale and stagnant. Imagine opening the fridge and smelling the deep pungence of expired milk/cheese/dairy product is probably the fragrance of said love life. Though there are many more new "eye candies" this year, I often feel more like a horny bastard in regaling my tales of interests to said best mate. Girls do abound in SA, and of course according to our very dear Mrs Tan, "it is for the male gaze". Chauvinistic as it may seem and sound, who doesn't appreciate a pretty face?
That said, it's been an entire conundrum as aforementioned. Too many flirts, too little love. The idea of rejection is a sore point I wish not to relive, and of course my life's tangle with commitment is one which I do not desire. Love is such an abstract concept for me, always have and always will be. I rarely feel loved and even rarely feel that I have loved. Both probably because of my jaded insensitivities, and numbed senses. I experience joy, pain, humiliation, anger and so on; but these base feelings are superficial and simple. Those that I crave (makes me sound like a perverted and desperate deviant) elude me. Of course, one could put in down to not trying much, and not putting effort into the situation at hand. But I guess, it's hard to take down so many layers and levels of walls put up for so long. Walls of past hurt, walls of insecurities, walls of resentment and walls of fear. Hitler would never be able to invade my heart.
And yes said teacher who made a groundless remark about me is of course our Other dear Lit. teacher. "You come off arrogant and proud, for someone who has nothing to be proud of". This rant is not out of resentment or whatever, but more of the larger issue at hand. This teacher and many others such as my History teachers are quite unbelievably my teachers. They are biased and prejudiced. This may seem such an offhand and groundless remark but trust me, it is no based on initial impressions, or the fact that they seem to have a bone to pick with me always. Reason being? I'm a Councilor. A god-damned bloody Councilor. With a capital C mind you. One said History teacher forewarned of the dangers of trying out for it, way before I even campaigned; a nice little scolding no less with his finger in my face mostly. Now I don't deny the "higher standards" that we should aim to achieve; but the bias and prejudice towards us are quite simply ridiculous and completely groundless. Even harmless teachers with harmless statements like "You must learn to cope with the busyness of Council activities and schoolwork". Advice, yes. Biased, of course. Now you may deem me biased for saying so, and of course I am. I'm a Councilor, and a "victim" here, so of course I'm bloody bias. But there is of course a tu quoque fallacy and we shall look deeper into the matter at hand of which I shall try to finally justify my stand. Take this case study. In the month of January, after Orientation, I (not speaking on the behalf of the entire council) have nothing much to do with Council work and all. In fact, nothing to do at all. However, it's wondrous to see how said teachers are able and without facts blame everything on heavy council activities. Furthermore, the event/occasion of which they are scolding/advising me is regarding issues that everyone, and I repeat everyone faces. But their biased and prejudiced manners on which they pin everything on to us, whether groundless or not, is quite unbecoming of teachers, who are expected to be impartial and having their facts. But instead, said teachers bitch about me in front of other teachers, who then without even having taught me or even come into contact with me, make groundless remarks about my character. Firstly, is it their jobs to be talking about my character in such a manner? Secondly, like what our Other Lit.teacher did finally realize is that she and the others don't know me. Thirdly, arrogance should not be mistaken for confidence. The former is the offensive display of superiority or self-importance, while the latter is the self-assurance of one's abilities. I know what I can and cannot do, and do not offensively display my superiority (if I even am "superior". I do think I'm a bit of an elitist though, but I guess in some particular areas only). Now, I here admit that sometimes I may appear proud and all, but I guess it's a misreading of overbearing confidence that arises out of insecurity. Like Nica (yes our lit. books are so very applicable), I often do feel the need to assert myself; in turn reassuring myself of myself. I know I'm definitely not an academic person, and I never even try to assert myself as one. So in what way would these teachers have reason to find fault with me, and deem me arrogant? So without being overly dismissive, I guess I just gotta watch myself more and at the same time not give a damn about these foos.
On the much brighter side of my life, there have been some romantic engagements these year. Admirers are one thing, so of course I'm looking for a more intimate and personal relationship. But because I have no idea how to face these admirers, (one because I have no idea why they like me, and second it's kinda embarrassing. not that I'm not flattered, but you know.) and because I just need a shoulder to cry on, or laugh together, this is a call-out to all interested applicants to call 1900-SAVE-EMMANUEL. On a more serious note, I do hope to get a special someone this year. Because even among all the friends, I do feel lonely sometimes. In the words of George my great ex- classmate and schoolmate now, "This void seems occasionally filled yet forever empty".
I do love my life. It's just that sometimes, it doesn't like me that much in return.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
A Little Change
Friday, January 25, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Bite My Tongue - Or I Might Bite You
This song sums up the entirety of my goal this year. I'm quite sick of pointless arguments and meaningless debates. The futility of it all irritates/frustrates me. I mean for the love of god, shut the hell up if you have nothing to contribute and quit it with all those senseless, insensitive comments.
On the plus side, i will be less defensive aggressive. So tolerance is now my virtue.
I've realised all too recently the naive-ness of my people-relations belief. When i was much younger, i used to NOT have any people i disliked/hated and all that, and i thought that how great it was to be in that state of mind. But, how wishful was that thinking. I know it's such a pessimistic thing to say, but somehow maybe that's how life is. I've realised the list of people i dislike (none that i hate, yet?) have been growing longer. And the similarities between some of them do seem to suggest that i dislike certain characteristics and i'm predisposed to dislike the person. The following is a list of types of people i dislike, ranked in order of most disliked and so on. So before i shut up for the rest of the year, here is my tirade.
1. The Feminist, who is ultra-feministic and favourite sayings are "There are no cute boys in school AT ALL" and "OMG, are they like blind" (when relating to them that another girl likes you). I mean, what the hell. They are firstly not even the least pretty or good-looking, but have high high expectations for their counterparts. They ones i know, are short, very average-looking, whiny and feministic. And here they are dissing the entire male school population, as if they deserved better looks-wise. And and, regarding the second comment, what the hell too. Are they like jealous or something? Maybe they have never had someone crushing on them before. I mean i could go one forever, but in cases where i get insulted, i feel the nagging need to retaliate, and it is usually not very nice. And from then on, these little girls go on to complain to their gal pals in like fashions - *sniff sniff * " Emmanuel said i was uh-gly. Like omg, i'm like so hurt and all you know. I, was like so nice to him, and here he comes like..." Irritants i say. These girls are usually from All-Girls Schools. [If you know me well, (due to my Victorian heritage) i'm quite an advocate of single-sex secondary schools. We are USUALLY quite opinionated and more out-going than the run-of-the-mill kind of other students. There is no elitism in this statement as even neighbourhood single-sex schools produce similar people, so intelligence/academics is no factor. I believe it's the dynamics of the single-sex environment that makes people more open and interactive. This is not saying there are no people like these in mixed schools, and that mixed school students are no fun. Rather i think single-sex students are usually more loyal to their school, have stronger school spirit, etc] Anyway, the point is, i can't believe that these girls are so narrow-minded and socially retarded. It's like they studied in a nunnery or something and never seen a guy before.
2. The Insecure. Disclaimer before i go on : these are extreme cases. People in this category are constantly in need of assurance. They are often think that they're not good enough and incapable, etc. Self-deprecation is funny and all, but there is a limit to that. Take this example. This guy, called Sam (name has been changed, etc.) who is in many a girl opinion, is quite good-looking. After meeting one of The Feminists who put him down by saying that she felt he wasn't all that good-looking and couldn't see why so many girls like him, he started to mope around. He has no self-confidence, and always asks people to reassure him whether he did good or not. He always says he is not capable enough and etc., but in actual fact does well in them. Irritants too i say. I mean occasional reassurance is fine, cos' we are humans after all. But the constant need to do so, is quite a drain in our friendship. I mean i do like this guy and all, a bit boring but still not bad company. We are reasonably quite close, but his complete lack of self-confidence is quite a irritance. Argh.
3. The Pretentious. This fella is always trying to assert himself as a party-animal and that he is like so havoc and all. Whatever. They love to make themselves seem better and cooler than you, whether in action or speech. A typical conversation would go like this.
Me: Argh, i'm so tired. This lecture is so boring.
The Pretentious (TP): Really, what time did you sleep. You CAN'T be more tired than me.
Me: I slept like at 1.
TP: That's like so early! I mean i was awake till like 4.
Me: Erm ok.
TP: Did you do anything on Sat?
Me: Nothing much. I just like lazed around, and then went to Church.
TP: You have no life man. I was like partying and all. Have you gone clubbing before?
ME: (trying to joke) Yeah, country clubs.
TP: Ha ha. You've never? Man, you are so not fun.
Me: *snores
People like this love reassert themselves as better/cooler than you. I do love to staying out late, and who doesn't tell their friends that their are so tired during a boring lecture? The part which gets me most is the thinking that someone can never be cooler than them : You CAN"T be more tired than me. Hello, firstly, how do you know that? You are NOT me, so you can't know how tired i am. And secondly, why does sleeping late make you cool? In our generation, we love to compare or compete who sleeps later, but so? Does that make you a better person? Does it make you better looking? NO. So just shut it with the comparisons, especially in the i-am-so-much-better-than-you tone.
Well these are the three most dislike people in my life. If you wondering, yes they are from my school, in my level. Not gonna embaress them by revealing their names, cos i'm not such an asshole, but if you are observant enough, you could tell them out easily. And and, if i'm ever guilty of any of these three, or rather the second two, please DO not be afraid to tell me in my face ok. Cos' as much as i don't want to be a hypocrite, sometimes we are so blind to our flaws, like these three people.
Anyway, here is me, throwing away my verbal skills. I might still joke, take part in discussions, and carry on intelligent conversations. But hear me when i say i won't entertain your meaningless convesations.