Sunday, November 19, 2006

Tis' the new day

i'm just repressed.

the Os are Over. finally. zilch. no more. and some how, those feeling of jubilee and ulitmate glee are somehow flirting around me. but like how i just couldn't remember what was the reason for the start of LON, i just can't grasp on to those impish feelings.

somehow, a wave of emoness has swept across youths island-wide. every blog i visit either seems to be depressed or philosphical. man, we're are just 16. theres no need to figure why the hell we are on earth for. yet.

though pangs of such disturbing behaviour do hit me occasionally, i try not to make a faux pas of myself by exclaiming and lamenting to the world.

but then again. here i go, haranguing (pardon for the frequent use, i just love the word) on about others when i commit the sin i preach against. on that note, i recall a major incident happening way over with the Yankees. the one about the Pastor hiring a gaygolo. man, i really can't stand people like this. they come on with their holier-than-thou attitudes and in the end, and all, just live their lives of double standards and hypocrisy. i may be a christian (maybe) but i ain't no blind fool to stand up for a lost, and wrong, cause. tis' people, of the world, are no brethren of mine.

anyway, on a much happier note, the exams, as you know, are over. i was talking to walter just now, and i might be going over to Down Under in January/February if i don't go for first three months. man, i miss that guy.

anyway, back to the point. i think i should be happy, at least happier. like mr khoo famous sayings that dan adores, happiness is what makes me happy. but somehow, this happiness eludes me. ignores me. or maybe its just me.

okay, so i'm rambling on. but who cares. i'm on a quest. Indiana Jones and the Lost Happiness.

anyway daniel, you owe lois, tim and i a treat. haha. don't forget. CHINA RULES MAN.

i'm going crazy