Friday, January 25, 2008

Sunday, January 20, 2008

ZOMG - My Humps

zomg so uber-duber cute!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

My Own Valentine.

i love this song! don't you just feel in the mood of love?

perfect for a serenade.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Bite My Tongue - Or I Might Bite You


This song sums up the entirety of my goal this year. I'm quite sick of pointless arguments and meaningless debates. The futility of it all irritates/frustrates me. I mean for the love of god, shut the hell up if you have nothing to contribute and quit it with all those senseless, insensitive comments.

On the plus side, i will be less defensive aggressive. So tolerance is now my virtue.

I've realised all too recently the naive-ness of my people-relations belief. When i was much younger, i used to NOT have any people i disliked/hated and all that, and i thought that how great it was to be in that state of mind. But, how wishful was that thinking. I know it's such a pessimistic thing to say, but somehow maybe that's how life is. I've realised the list of people i dislike (none that i hate, yet?) have been growing longer. And the similarities between some of them do seem to suggest that i dislike certain characteristics and i'm predisposed to dislike the person. The following is a list of types of people i dislike, ranked in order of most disliked and so on. So before i shut up for the rest of the year, here is my tirade.

1. The Feminist, who is ultra-feministic and favourite sayings are "There are no cute boys in school AT ALL" and "OMG, are they like blind" (when relating to them that another girl likes you). I mean, what the hell. They are firstly not even the least pretty or good-looking, but have high high expectations for their counterparts. They ones i know, are short, very average-looking, whiny and feministic. And here they are dissing the entire male school population, as if they deserved better looks-wise. And and, regarding the second comment, what the hell too. Are they like jealous or something? Maybe they have never had someone crushing on them before. I mean i could go one forever, but in cases where i get insulted, i feel the nagging need to retaliate, and it is usually not very nice. And from then on, these little girls go on to complain to their gal pals in like fashions - *sniff sniff * " Emmanuel said i was uh-gly. Like omg, i'm like so hurt and all you know. I, was like so nice to him, and here he comes like..." Irritants i say. These girls are usually from All-Girls Schools. [If you know me well, (due to my Victorian heritage) i'm quite an advocate of single-sex secondary schools. We are USUALLY quite opinionated and more out-going than the run-of-the-mill kind of other students. There is no elitism in this statement as even neighbourhood single-sex schools produce similar people, so intelligence/academics is no factor. I believe it's the dynamics of the single-sex environment that makes people more open and interactive. This is not saying there are no people like these in mixed schools, and that mixed school students are no fun. Rather i think single-sex students are usually more loyal to their school, have stronger school spirit, etc] Anyway, the point is, i can't believe that these girls are so narrow-minded and socially retarded. It's like they studied in a nunnery or something and never seen a guy before.

2. The Insecure. Disclaimer before i go on : these are extreme cases. People in this category are constantly in need of assurance. They are often think that they're not good enough and incapable, etc. Self-deprecation is funny and all, but there is a limit to that. Take this example. This guy, called Sam (name has been changed, etc.) who is in many a girl opinion, is quite good-looking. After meeting one of The Feminists who put him down by saying that she felt he wasn't all that good-looking and couldn't see why so many girls like him, he started to mope around. He has no self-confidence, and always asks people to reassure him whether he did good or not. He always says he is not capable enough and etc., but in actual fact does well in them. Irritants too i say. I mean occasional reassurance is fine, cos' we are humans after all. But the constant need to do so, is quite a drain in our friendship. I mean i do like this guy and all, a bit boring but still not bad company. We are reasonably quite close, but his complete lack of self-confidence is quite a irritance. Argh.

3. The Pretentious. This fella is always trying to assert himself as a party-animal and that he is like so havoc and all. Whatever. They love to make themselves seem better and cooler than you, whether in action or speech. A typical conversation would go like this.
Me: Argh, i'm so tired. This lecture is so boring.
The Pretentious (TP): Really, what time did you sleep. You CAN'T be more tired than me.
Me: I slept like at 1.
TP: That's like so early! I mean i was awake till like 4.
Me: Erm ok.
TP: Did you do anything on Sat?
Me: Nothing much. I just like lazed around, and then went to Church.
TP: You have no life man. I was like partying and all. Have you gone clubbing before?
ME: (trying to joke) Yeah, country clubs.
TP: Ha ha. You've never? Man, you are so not fun.
Me: *snores
People like this love reassert themselves as better/cooler than you. I do love to staying out late, and who doesn't tell their friends that their are so tired during a boring lecture? The part which gets me most is the thinking that someone can never be cooler than them : You CAN"T be more tired than me. Hello, firstly, how do you know that? You are NOT me, so you can't know how tired i am. And secondly, why does sleeping late make you cool? In our generation, we love to compare or compete who sleeps later, but so? Does that make you a better person? Does it make you better looking? NO. So just shut it with the comparisons, especially in the i-am-so-much-better-than-you tone.

Well these are the three most dislike people in my life. If you wondering, yes they are from my school, in my level. Not gonna embaress them by revealing their names, cos i'm not such an asshole, but if you are observant enough, you could tell them out easily. And and, if i'm ever guilty of any of these three, or rather the second two, please DO not be afraid to tell me in my face ok. Cos' as much as i don't want to be a hypocrite, sometimes we are so blind to our flaws, like these three people.

Anyway, here is me, throwing away my verbal skills. I might still joke, take part in discussions, and carry on intelligent conversations. But hear me when i say i won't entertain your meaningless convesations.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

ZOMG this is so good!