Wednesday, January 25, 2006

i just watched a really heart-wrenching+horrendous+joyous movie, Hotel Rwanda. the movie focuses mainly on the racial discrimination between two classes of the same race, the Hutus and the Tutsis. Before 1994, Rwanda (which is in Africa) was controlled by the Belgians. They had picked the fairer and longed nose Rwandians, because they looked more like them. These were the Tutsi, the elite of Rwanda and ruled Rwanda. However, when the Belgians left, they (STUPIDLY) left the Hutus in charge. The Tutsi who have long been told they were better because of their lighter skin color, had always looked down on the Hutus, although they were all of the same race. This therefore led to a major civil war, with the Hutus wanting revenge on the Tutsi. The main lead, Paul is a Hutu and a hotel manager. The movie shows how, he "adopts" and cares for almost a thousand people in his hotel, defending time and time again against the armed Hutus. The emotional and mental burdens placed upon him is tremendous, as in his hands are placed with mainly Tutsis which were wanted by the Hutus rebels. what i felt most heart-wrenching was the fact that almost 80,000 thousands innocent Tutsis were killed in the civil war and how the UN had BETRAYED Rwanda in its most needed hour. What was horrendous was how the human nature could be so vengeful and so cruel, and because of a STUPID mistake by an external force, unleash a genocide on Rwanda.the joyous part came mainly in the form on how Paul managed to save 800 Tutsi and ophans, and kept the people together admist all the madness. what touched me was when Paul , though had immunity to leave the war-stricken country, chose to stay behind to care and protect the people he had taken in. the story shows on how love prevails, and that even times of need, all you need is a little hope and determination. like what Mr Low said, its all about self-fulfilling prophecies. if Paul had told himself that they would not make it, the 800 survivors would have definitely been chopped to pieces by the Hutus rebels.therefore, what i've learnt from this movie is to always stay optomistic (and alert), and that a friend in need is a friend indeed! i give the movie ***** for its potraying of unity,love,hope,courage and impartialty.

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