Tuesday, September 05, 2006

wunderchildren of the MTV Generation. bow down and worship. i studied. *screams and shouts in amazement*. okay, so it was yesterday, but still. i studied. this fact should be on the frontpage of every major newspaper (if it wasn't...) and replayed on every news channel every hour. this kind of new is earthshaking, groundbreaking and historymaking. okay, so you think i'm making a Mt. Everest out of Bukit Timah. So? I studied and that's what counts. We are fundamentalists and moralists, like every good citizen should be. Mai Hum, Mai Hum, Mai Lovely Little Hum (i don't like hums by the way). Fundmentalists just because we are a multi-racial society, encouraged to stand up for our good beliefs. Moralists, because we already are. Don't you realise in every scandal, our fellow citizens (refraining from moral issues of dissing our lovely little lump of an island) would in the heartlands, be criticising the antagonist in the scandal, as if suddenly, everyone is a mr/ms-oh-so-holy. for example, let's review the "i swallow" controversy. unkown to us mere mortals, we singaporeans (did he just say that?), gasped and swallowed in horror at the sight of that revolting poster, immediately reaching a L5 by infering sexual innuendos. COME ON PEOPLE. We are SINGAPORE. We are a COSMO state, one that is CONTEMPORARY and SOCIALISED. We are not, in anyway, supposed to act like a pubescent sec one giggling away at little cleavage and words for the first time. Or the antedulivian creature widening its eyes in horror at the state modern civilastion as degraded into (though it has in some sense). Come on, i thought we had matured in a society that could accept, and when i say accept, i actually mean tolerate, such petty controversy. You see, a controversy is only a controversy when it has juicy details of for example, a certain President recieving oral sex (which by the way is illegal in our sunny singapore) from his secetary (i think its secetary). that is a controversy, a TRUE BLUE SCANDAL. Not what people think a poster means or how a person's image is projected. Though many may argue that that would result in a controversy. Well, grow up people, we are a nation that actually has sex more than Korea, so say it with me, We are Singapore, We are Singapore, We are a Sexy People and Let us Roar.

PS: Zoe Tay kinda looked ugly in the poster anyway. Wake up scaly antedulivians.

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