Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Rounding Up the Rest Of My Life

rollercoaster ride really sums it right.

well the past few weeks/months of my blogosphere absence have been a mix of bliss and fallacious bliss. Fallacious, to my less intelligent readers, as in that it was a bliss founded on mistaken logic or perception. right from the reader's digest universal dictionary. man, i really love the word 'fallacy'. haha. well, getting back into the thick and thin of things have been tough, though mainly i've been trying to bulk up with fellow swim/gym rats george,xue, and khai. in between gym/swim days are often days of ultimate sleep-ins and all other no-nos.

other updates include a whole new perspective from "sixteen going on seventeen". in the oh-so-cliched phase of all christian-born kids who turn from holier-than-thou angel to the angsty, emo, radically rebellious devils, i guess i managed to slide my way though and into trouble and sorts. other than that strong rebellious streak, wanderlust (i kinda heard of the word somewhere and i'm not sure if it even exists) is panging against my already distracted and heavily-occupied and small brain. australia and of course mr walter who betrayed us beckons. well a good escape from all the paraonia and ad nauseaum that life and its peeps brings will do me good. so people, if you would like to contribute to the save-emmanuel's-mind-by-paying-for-his-airfare-cause-his-nasty-parents-can't-be-bothered-fund, please call 98554775. toll lines are open from one to one mon to friday and all monetary donations are accepted in cash or cheque.

another little lovely update on life, and all the lurve it brings.
there's a special someone on the radar so far. so to keep my inteprid readers (such a the oracle) in suspense, she (or maybe its a he? just kidding) will be staying on the my radar only. so please don't hound me alright.

well, isn't that just juicy eh.


well christmas is in a few days so start fasting to get ready to gorge for the feasts and partying coming right up.

here's a little clip that should fasinate you. haha. well, it started of as a harmless experiment at trying our hands at baking lagsagne and cookies and brownies. well, it ended up as a circus, mahjong and tv. so yah. go ahead and laugh at us. anyway that tim who dropped the onion. i've got nothing to do with it. muahahaha.

well this is the end of a new beginning. as we usher in the new year which is coming real soon, lets have a moment of silence for all the stupid things that we've done in 2006 like not studying for prelims. well to all our teachers and freaking adults that seem to plan for our future more than we do, f*ck you and have a good new year.


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