Friday, March 02, 2007


somehow the blogging bug has bitten.

to start off this part, i would like to say this is the 22nd post for this blog. say whoopee.

have you ever realised that most blogskins are either too gay to function or too feminine, which in essence are much the same thing? somebody say sexist!

over this past few days, i've come to realise a milestone in my life. i like grey! though seemingly unimportant and unsignificant to the uninitiated, i do realise that has marked a point in my short life that i've begun to mellow with age. come on, don't laugh man. i know it might sound absurd to your disbelieving ears that thats even finitely possible, but i swear i'm pulling your leg. okay, so i've nothing better to do but you still got Punk'd. i do like grey though.hee. [i think its possible that i'm becoming schizo]

today being the second last day of first three months does seem a tad bit boring. coupled with the fact with the melodramatic downpour outside my window adding to this emoness, i stop and think, and go into narrative reminscing the good and the bad, and the ugly (cue rat-face) of it all.

for all those who weren't in SR for the three months, this is the point you might actually wanna to stop reading due to its expicit content, kidding. actually more like cause some of the stuff are inside jokes. however if you would like to stay tuned, you might get a glimpse at how much SR rocks, albeit a rather confusing glimpse. in short this is sort of goodbye.
To say the least, SR has been loads of fun. To all 1A01 kids, thanks. As much as i hate to be cliched, thanks for all the good memories of :
1. ponning lessons in favour of staring at each other wordlessly, hoping that a spark of excitement might dispell the cloud of boredom stubbornly and unfairly clinging around us.
2. making fun of one another. actually just Nat ( too pretty beefcake?) and the Rat-face ( or enthu-rep. if you wish). i swear i was nice.
3. the educating experience of an animal farm in our homeroom, the one and only renassaince room. kudos to John for being so vocally talented at animal mimicry. you sure you're pure human?
4. the wonderful creatures we call teachers. first we have, of course, ms tammy thiang who i believe is a great teacher. (notice the bland and uninteresting description? me no want to get into trouble) next of course, we have to mention our dashing co-civics tutor with goldfish lips who is actually quite lame (humor-wise) despite being a valedictorian for his cohort. and also for the whole man-in-black thing. third we of course have stephen tay who is actually a really great teacher. for once we have a teach who knows his facts. other than the fact of course he looks like the one-eyed alien from lilo and stitch. fourth, we have nat's mum-in-law and teacher of my favorite subject- chinese. all you chinks so yeah. okay lame. anyway, Mrs Phay, who is a member of the discipline commitee ( say wooh) is actually pretty okay cause she's kinda oblivious to me and nat either skipping lessons or sleeping in them. [tuck in your shirt mas]. what would ever do without teachers? we would all die due to the fact that our attire is messy due to the fact that our shirts are untucked by a fraction.
5. to ningles whose actual schizo (i suspect) mind never fails to entertain and to depress.hee.
6. to liz whose hyperventilating laughter and predisposition to Rat-face makes a great live comedy.
7. to nat for being such a great friend and for looking so pretty. hee.
8. to syafiq for being dyslexic.
9. to shawn the f*cktard for being the infinite gentleman you are. i have great respect for you man.
10. to john for being such an entertainer. remember me when you get famous alright. either as a animal tv show host or mr philip tan's successor.
11. to mas who is probably the only who's gonna get all the jokes cause you're the only one left reading, thanks, erm, for reading still? hah, really thanks for good memories as temporary BFF.

and to the others in 1A01 who have played a role in defining SR as such a great place. thanks.

the only bad memory, if you're wondering, is probably shaving off my precious mohawk. till we cut again.

if you're a non-SRJCian and still reading, wow, i'm impressed.

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