Monday, July 30, 2007

all's well that end's well: it's been a long time-coming

(this space has been UNdisclaimed)

well, i'm finally back. to say the least, it's been a long ride since yesteryears (while just a few months, but in relation to the period of my existence, it's quite long okay), a whole lot of shit, poop, faeces and any other synonym that's got to do with excretement.

well, to all uninitiated (new favorite word), i've been inducted into the ranks of the 30th Student Council, as a member of the Executive Committee, namely being the assistant HEAD OF FUNCTIONS (i do try to ignore the first few words). from then, it all went downhill. for fear of sounding ungrateful (or rather the sorry little brat, that i actually am), i will try to keep the complaints out of the picture. in other words, your ears are gonna be pretty sore, that is, if i do know you at all. not that i haven't had any fun or anything (not much actually), but it's rather i for one don't see myself fitting for the job itself. me? i mean, i could deal with job scope yadayada, but me as a student leader? didn't see that one coming, eh VS?

well, there certainly has been progression. i mean, from the initial stages of a complete outright rejection of joining the student council to EXCO, that's quite a big leap in both faith(?) and heart, doncha think? well, it's truly (and highly likely) God's plan, as in every aspect, i am the pre-determined, divined (read: accidental) councilor. WATER POLO, call me back.(silence rebounds). oh well, in all fairness, i mean council isn't that bad, other than the fact that i've never been stressed for anything school-related or for anything for a matter of fact. till i joined SA and council. case in point: i was out for lunch (sorta) with Mdm. Nabilah, her daughter, and George. we were semi-complaining to her, and she remarked that it was the first time she's ever seen me stressed. i mean was it the pimples on my face? (damn pimples!) it's so scary that it's not even funny. i mean, i was feeling more stressed for the Common Test than my O Levels.

well, you ask, what the hell? yes, i admit that i've a rather low tolerance for stress when it does comes, meaning once every 17 years (seen in the trend thus far).for everything else, there's "erm, okay, so?", my generally favorite apathetic mindest.

well, what's the difference then? well, you got me stumped there.i guess i'm growing up, finally facing commitment (hell, i said to my friend today that i wouldn't quit school cause it would be, omg, irresponsible). i mean, i am free from my phobia? for the longest time, i've never been able to carry an interest (of sorts) for longer than a year. CCAs, relationships, you name it. maybe because i'm kinda trapped in between the shame of quitting and the unwillingness of the teachers to kick people out. i mean, the only solution is retaining. and we don't want that, do we? well, i guess, after all this boo-hoo crap, it's just me growing up after all. a new life, a new perspective (seeing life in bright colors now, for i am mr sunshine), and a new positivity. maybe it's just because i had a good day today. well, one thing's for sure, we could have all the maybes in the world, but i don't want to be a "may be a (insert occupation/post/etc.)", i want to be somebody. (how utterly vague and unhelpful as well, but it does sound motivational, no?)

well, in all, all's well that end's well. beating round the bush hasn't been a favorite pastime, so let's skip to the end with a summary, that finally, and i do mean finally, little boy blue, with all his shortcomings, commitment phobia(s), lamentings, and psuedo-emoness, has finally grown up into mr sunshine. well, as said by Jason Hahn as said by someone else, it's all about positive thinking.

well. (the frog has left the building)

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