Sunday, November 23, 2008


well, technically it's not a new year, but who's counting right? anyway, this gonna be an update of all that's happened thus far, and also a resolution for the next few months.

firstly, THANK GOD! for helping through that dastardly thing called the A LEVELS. truely HE is everpresent in ALL my papers, and that without HIM, i would have given up after History SEA. anyway, what was most interestingly funny was that during my A LEVELS, i felt LESS stress that i did when i was in school. irony, no? haha, truely i rue the day that the teachers try to take claim for my good results (which i'm claiming as a promise by the Mercy of God); they have not done much for my academia since day 1. so they can go like be all uppity and hoity-toity as they usually are; seriously the teachers that teach me in SAJC are nothing compared to what i got in VS. like for my VS teachers, like MR KHOO! (pure history), MDM ERNIE (e and a maths), MDM NABILAH (form teacher), and others, they are levels way above my teachers in SA. maybe MS K (lit.) and MRS GOH (KI), could do a little good in terms of teaching; but personal-wise, ALL my SA teachers were horrible. the only saving grace of SA's teachers were my Council teachers, like MS HUANG, MS LEE!, MR CHONG, etc. haha, they are so understanding and all; my curriculum teachers are almost arrogant, stuck-up and totally uninitiated into the life of a JC kid. they treat us children with the IQ of -150, and always insult/mock/humiliate/provoke/irritate us in more ways than one. its good that they want to keep a teacher-student distance, but there's no need to do so in such a manner. anyway, thank GOD its all over; soorry for the rambling on anyway.

what's more important in that mumble-jumble is the sole fact: trust in GOD, and in yourself; though THEY (SA teachers) might get you down, or think you're good-for-nothing, always have faith and continue to do the things of GOD, and all things will follow.

a little testimony: for almost all my exams, i had to SPOT due to the lack of time/energy/motivation. i know its the worst exam attitude, probably a result of my O LEVEL experience. i was kinda depressed and being all retarded during my end of Sec 4 year, and was quite ready to flunk my Os. but GOD and his amazing mercy saved my ass, and delivered me to a 9point. sooo, i guess maybe this time round i got a little complacent with GOD, or maybe i just was too far away to see GOD in this picture. my first paper, SEA HISTORY was horrible and horrendous. i only could do like two of the three essay questions; had to like do something with the third, and i didn't get to finish my SBQ. and this was the paper i studied for MOST, cos its' the first (though even so, it's not a lot).BUT, for the next few papers, GOD gave me such a peace, and assurance that i could do my paper, and feel happy about it. take for example, ECONS! i only studied on MON night and TUES morning for my TUES econs essay paper, and i could do all my papers. haha, also, i stupidly went to borrow TWO library books on MON after LIT, and read both by TUES night. (the same week). retarded right? now for fear of people calling me a boast, i'm only boasting about God's goodness and mercy; it has nothing to do with me, except for me being the vessel of God's miracle.

this is because, if you knew me throughout JC, it would never occur to ANYONE to peg me as an A student; far from it.

so here's more hoping, praying, believing with faith for good results; and even more so, a scholarship to wherever GOD wants me to go. this might seem like such a different EM from before, but trust me, freedom + GOD does wonders to anyone, hawha.

anyway, this few days have been such a blessing for me; everythings looking up for a bright few months, so i decided to also do a checklist/resolution.

(it no order, yet)

1. buy my ukelele, and become a pro player
2. finally learn more chords on the guitar other than G,D,Em and C, and play them in a melody
3. learn french/spanish/hebrew from JAN onwards
4. go and start writing stuff
5. swim, gym and run regularly to transform skinny chicken to buff KFC (look good, taste good)
6. read all the books i want and have to
7. persuade my parents to let me do a motorcycle licence
8. go look and buy a good DSLR
9. get a MACBOOK, black in colour
10. reguarly update my blog
11. get a proper job for once
12. plan and go overseas with the peeps (phuket, tioman, some beach..)
13. wake up BY 9 everyday (to make the most of my day)
14. restart drawing, painting, art-ing
15. be nice to everyone, esp my parents
16. start saving money
17. jam regularly with the peeps
18. dye my hair
19. learn something new, like diving or wake-boarding
20. get a time-machine so i can get a free four months again. (repeat)

hahah, so i'm just gonna enjoy life, relationships, and try to strike out again as Christian, son, friend, acquaintace, and human being. as a rival school says, CARPE DIEM.

have fun you guys, hope to see you around.

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