Wednesday, August 30, 2006

woohoo, i learned a new word. piece de resistance, which means the most outstading event of a group or series, how "exotic" is that?
anyway, i'm back from a day shopping with mr. exotique, mr. pms and mr. all-mats-are-dumb. teachers' day, after all, is a very special day in my heart. tear.just brings all the memories of special teachers. anyway, we bought mdm. ernie loads of pink stuff, mdm. nabilah a topshop belt (exotic?) and the list goes on.. anyway, the point is why do we celebrate teacher's day? is it some random day that a rich bourgeois aristocrat who is a teacher who decieded to create it so at to receive some love and tlc? or does it have a moral sob story behind it so that all us kiddies will wisen up and be good? anyway(i said that like 4 times already), i don't really care. haha, i was diverting to give an effect for my higher order thinking. wink.

anyway, heres a good piece of gossip on the grapevine. actually fact, cause i got it off first hand, haha, anyway (6). ms. l*is, told me a little secret about mr. i-am-a-son-of-a-raj. according to recent reports, mr. i-am-a-son-of-a-raj is said to be a-son-of-a-raj and possesive. even though he and ms. l*is are not in a relationship, he is freaking her out cause he treats her like her "boo", and that she doesn't like him anymore as a friend. platonic just doesn't seem so right, does it?

anway, at the centre of this controversy, is the scandal involving mr. germ-an, mimi, and moi. Moi, in a flurry of emotions after recieving the terrible news, inflicted, albiet accidentally, a grave injury unto mr. germ-an by mistaking him for mimi. Oh, the horror. Anyway, thats about as much contoversy and excitement there is in my life, besides the sad little love boat in the tumultous sea of kellies and nickies and all the other ies.

sigh, our life sucks. exams are in two weeks and my mom is chasing me to bed cause it's teacher's day tommorrow. can't you tell how excited i am?oh actually, it's teacher's day now, so here's wishing all happy teacher's day.

PS: 1. whats so happy about teacher's day?
2. that said, i feel a little guilty not writing any cards for the teachers on our last teacher's day in VS, but then again nevermind.

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