Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Apathy Homeopathy.

Choice Quotes:

" So the time to do something is now, before you get bogged down, you know, like a life".

" Scratch that biological and sexual need. Safely, please."

" Become the ripple in the poisonous political pond that we are currently living in."

" So Robert F Kennedy said that. They killed him, so it goes."


And so it goes. Well of course, wake our generation up from the mindless business as usual. "I'm f*cking disappointed in you". So while he goes on being f-ing disappointed with our generation miles away in the Land of Liberty, I can't but help see the glaring parallels right here in our sunny little island. Other than that, it's kinda (surprisingly), too controversial for my small little mind to have any comment on. Enjoy, and get outraged/bored/disillusioned/inspired/pissed off/influenced. (I currently feel all of the above, so I've conveniently decided not to air my views)


And " I stay in so you can go out" so doesn't cut it.


On the other hand. Here is a video response that represents my other half of my thoughts. He kinda talks in a pretty retarded slow manner. But he makes sense, so listen.

Yeah, I only don't agree the "do it civilly" or "talk to leaders" and especially "write congress". Yeah and that's so gonna help. But of course, what's the "solution"?

"If you wanna get laid, go to a club". Haha. And this other video response is hilarious. I think here is the solution. Haha.


And something uber unrelated but utterly hilarious.

This could sum up our generation I guess.

"If he's gonna come in here, he's gonna kick my ass... Then I can kick his ass".

Happy studying people of the Block Test Zero One. It is two more days to go, woo to the hoo.

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