Sunday, May 11, 2008


Awhile ago, I posted some pictures of nice memories and the people dear to me. AND I completely left out (really unintentionally, cos I had intended to put them in) my lovely cell matees. AND, really it's such a crime cos' these are the people who really watch out and care for me, especially our crazy cell leader RACHael! I And (in no particular order) the rest; Aikey thanks since the beginning cos when I came to YA as a non-member of YM (like after stepping down from comm), you really became a friend and like a brother to me!; Lukey for the times since being in Gabsy's cell till now, for being my granduncle and you really are one hell of an uncle; Nic, it's weird seeing you as a cell member, but as a friend and a sister, you're real dear to me and hopefully we haven't lost all the great memories these many years!; Gaisu, well you always be my first best friend for those many childhood years and it's been great knowing your crazy self all these years; Joseph for your bald NS commando head and for the times where you seem to be somewhat fatherly, other than that... just kidding; Alena, for your great sense of wit and lovely bone structure, haha, and for all the things I think we share in common; Rachel and your awesome encouraging spirit; Isaac, my first ever mentor and all that, thanks for everything these years and without you, you know what would have happened, thanks so much dude, and thats really an understatement yeah. AND those not in the picture and those who were in the cell before, thanks for making cell sucha wonderful place to be in and really like my second family. (AW, I'm like so mushy I can't believe it)

Cell Mates Coutoure

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