Thursday, May 04, 2006

Stop complaining ; You don't even know me-

Today was such a horrible day, especially in school! The stupid LeeHwaPaik (LHY), and the stupidity of her ignorance really irked me so much, that i gotta blog about it! Its started like any normal day, but as we stepped into the hall, we were greeted by an extremely irritating voice. As we sat down, and were beginning to check the number of pages, i bent down to get a sip of my ice lemon tea. Then, i started to check the number of pages. That was when everything went wrong. LHY, an extremely old grumpy witch started to scream to CLOSE the BOOKLET, lest we get a head start to look at the questions. At first, i didn't think anything about it, as i was innocently starting to check the paper. Then she shouted again, and i looked up to look at what the commotion was. She was three tables away, staring at me, eyes daggers and all, as if i had severely offended. At that moment, i felt as if everyone was staring at me. I felt such an urge to just stand and shout that i was just checking the bloody paper. But no, me being the "gentleman", sat right there at my seat deciding to return the stare. Then we proceeded to start the paper. Then she started to wail in her unearthly voice. Don't write on the topo map with pens, she screamed again. Are we in a prison, i thought to myself, again ignoring her voice as i was using a pencil. Then she screamed again, and by instinct i looked up ; she was staring at me again. I looked at my pencil, and realised it looked like a pen. Stop jumping to conclusions, so badly wanted to shout, but being in an exam, i sat right there, fuming, but sitting there. Decidedly, she has become my no.1 public enemy! But then again, its just my speculation.

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