Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Rounding Up the Rest Of My Life

rollercoaster ride really sums it right.

well the past few weeks/months of my blogosphere absence have been a mix of bliss and fallacious bliss. Fallacious, to my less intelligent readers, as in that it was a bliss founded on mistaken logic or perception. right from the reader's digest universal dictionary. man, i really love the word 'fallacy'. haha. well, getting back into the thick and thin of things have been tough, though mainly i've been trying to bulk up with fellow swim/gym rats george,xue, and khai. in between gym/swim days are often days of ultimate sleep-ins and all other no-nos.

other updates include a whole new perspective from "sixteen going on seventeen". in the oh-so-cliched phase of all christian-born kids who turn from holier-than-thou angel to the angsty, emo, radically rebellious devils, i guess i managed to slide my way though and into trouble and sorts. other than that strong rebellious streak, wanderlust (i kinda heard of the word somewhere and i'm not sure if it even exists) is panging against my already distracted and heavily-occupied and small brain. australia and of course mr walter who betrayed us beckons. well a good escape from all the paraonia and ad nauseaum that life and its peeps brings will do me good. so people, if you would like to contribute to the save-emmanuel's-mind-by-paying-for-his-airfare-cause-his-nasty-parents-can't-be-bothered-fund, please call 98554775. toll lines are open from one to one mon to friday and all monetary donations are accepted in cash or cheque.

another little lovely update on life, and all the lurve it brings.
there's a special someone on the radar so far. so to keep my inteprid readers (such a the oracle) in suspense, she (or maybe its a he? just kidding) will be staying on the my radar only. so please don't hound me alright.

well, isn't that just juicy eh.


well christmas is in a few days so start fasting to get ready to gorge for the feasts and partying coming right up.

here's a little clip that should fasinate you. haha. well, it started of as a harmless experiment at trying our hands at baking lagsagne and cookies and brownies. well, it ended up as a circus, mahjong and tv. so yah. go ahead and laugh at us. anyway that tim who dropped the onion. i've got nothing to do with it. muahahaha.

well this is the end of a new beginning. as we usher in the new year which is coming real soon, lets have a moment of silence for all the stupid things that we've done in 2006 like not studying for prelims. well to all our teachers and freaking adults that seem to plan for our future more than we do, f*ck you and have a good new year.


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Tis' the new day

i'm just repressed.

the Os are Over. finally. zilch. no more. and some how, those feeling of jubilee and ulitmate glee are somehow flirting around me. but like how i just couldn't remember what was the reason for the start of LON, i just can't grasp on to those impish feelings.

somehow, a wave of emoness has swept across youths island-wide. every blog i visit either seems to be depressed or philosphical. man, we're are just 16. theres no need to figure why the hell we are on earth for. yet.

though pangs of such disturbing behaviour do hit me occasionally, i try not to make a faux pas of myself by exclaiming and lamenting to the world.

but then again. here i go, haranguing (pardon for the frequent use, i just love the word) on about others when i commit the sin i preach against. on that note, i recall a major incident happening way over with the Yankees. the one about the Pastor hiring a gaygolo. man, i really can't stand people like this. they come on with their holier-than-thou attitudes and in the end, and all, just live their lives of double standards and hypocrisy. i may be a christian (maybe) but i ain't no blind fool to stand up for a lost, and wrong, cause. tis' people, of the world, are no brethren of mine.

anyway, on a much happier note, the exams, as you know, are over. i was talking to walter just now, and i might be going over to Down Under in January/February if i don't go for first three months. man, i miss that guy.

anyway, back to the point. i think i should be happy, at least happier. like mr khoo famous sayings that dan adores, happiness is what makes me happy. but somehow, this happiness eludes me. ignores me. or maybe its just me.

okay, so i'm rambling on. but who cares. i'm on a quest. Indiana Jones and the Lost Happiness.

anyway daniel, you owe lois, tim and i a treat. haha. don't forget. CHINA RULES MAN.

i'm going crazy

Monday, October 16, 2006


graduation. its strange how time flies and how that it hasn't seem to affected me. yet anyway. when everyone was feeling all so emo and ... i actually felt a genuine mix of elation and relief. whatever/whyever i know not but till we meet again.

okay, enough with the bullshit.

honestly the past few weeks have been so terrible/horrible/crap/andallkindsoflikefreelings. i feel so fucked much so i don't know. the vicissitudes of fate haven't really been on my side.

to top off the end of the celebrations/graduation, i feel liberated and chained at the same time. one for the end of all irritants and the like, the other for the impending footsteps of the o. and so, my paradox of being happily sad just continues to rage on.

well like the rest of the blogging o level world. i guess this marks the start of my "interregnum" and the end of my haranguing. for those who did well for the prelims-don't rub it in. i'll rub your face in your ass.

till we meet again.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today,what was your first thought?
man, that guy is hot! haha, no lah, more like, man is damn early.

2. When is the next time you will have sex?
tonight? more like ten years later.

3. What's a word that rhymes with "DUCK"?
PLUCK. CLUCK. MUCK. TUCK. and last but not least.... YUCK!

4. Favorite planet?
poor lost pluto.

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your mobile?
jarrold ng

6. What is your favorite ring on your phone?

7. What shirt are you wearing?
a orange puma shirt

8. What were you doing 20 minutes ago?
doing this. sorry la, i'm really slow.

9. Name the brand of shoes you're currentlywearing.
what shoes?i'm at home.

10. Bright or Dark Room?
semi semi?

11. What do you think about the person who tookthis survey before you?
er, nothing.

12. If you're in a room with two beds, which one doyou sleep on?
the bigger one.

13. What were you doing at midnight last night?
going home with jake, jansen and sheng.

12.What did your last text message you receivedsay?
it says: Ask your brother to bathe.

15. How do you like your eggs?
sunny side up!

16. What's a word/phrase that you say a lot?

17. Who told you he/she loved you last?
my pop.

18. Last furry thing you touched?
my... pu..puffy hair.

19. How many drugs have you done in the lastthree days?
none..i'm a clean junkie.

20. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?
what era is this quiz in?

21. Favorite age you have been so far?

22. Your worst enemy?
erm, no one really. honestly.

23. What is your current desktop picture?
a orange party digi-image.

24. What was the last thing you said to someone?

25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly?
fly, doh. then i'll be paid the big bucks.

26. What do you want to be doing?
now-swiming. it's stupid raining.

27. The last song you listened to?
look where we are all now by teddy geiger.

28. If the last person you spoke to was getting shot at, what would you do?
i would be sad. it was my mom.

29. If you could punch 1 person in the face who's in your life right now, who would it be?

30. What is the closest item to your foot?
the floor. doh. oh, item. then chair.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

wunderchildren of the MTV Generation. bow down and worship. i studied. *screams and shouts in amazement*. okay, so it was yesterday, but still. i studied. this fact should be on the frontpage of every major newspaper (if it wasn't...) and replayed on every news channel every hour. this kind of new is earthshaking, groundbreaking and historymaking. okay, so you think i'm making a Mt. Everest out of Bukit Timah. So? I studied and that's what counts. We are fundamentalists and moralists, like every good citizen should be. Mai Hum, Mai Hum, Mai Lovely Little Hum (i don't like hums by the way). Fundmentalists just because we are a multi-racial society, encouraged to stand up for our good beliefs. Moralists, because we already are. Don't you realise in every scandal, our fellow citizens (refraining from moral issues of dissing our lovely little lump of an island) would in the heartlands, be criticising the antagonist in the scandal, as if suddenly, everyone is a mr/ms-oh-so-holy. for example, let's review the "i swallow" controversy. unkown to us mere mortals, we singaporeans (did he just say that?), gasped and swallowed in horror at the sight of that revolting poster, immediately reaching a L5 by infering sexual innuendos. COME ON PEOPLE. We are SINGAPORE. We are a COSMO state, one that is CONTEMPORARY and SOCIALISED. We are not, in anyway, supposed to act like a pubescent sec one giggling away at little cleavage and words for the first time. Or the antedulivian creature widening its eyes in horror at the state modern civilastion as degraded into (though it has in some sense). Come on, i thought we had matured in a society that could accept, and when i say accept, i actually mean tolerate, such petty controversy. You see, a controversy is only a controversy when it has juicy details of for example, a certain President recieving oral sex (which by the way is illegal in our sunny singapore) from his secetary (i think its secetary). that is a controversy, a TRUE BLUE SCANDAL. Not what people think a poster means or how a person's image is projected. Though many may argue that that would result in a controversy. Well, grow up people, we are a nation that actually has sex more than Korea, so say it with me, We are Singapore, We are Singapore, We are a Sexy People and Let us Roar.

PS: Zoe Tay kinda looked ugly in the poster anyway. Wake up scaly antedulivians.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

/once upon a time, there was a boy who went
WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. the holidays are here! okay, so it's so much of a celebration, cause as we all poor Singaporean kids know, our prelims are a week more. so, here we are, in the midst of the break, breaking mind and soul to lift that ton-heavy textbook (a cause of common illnesses such as textbookfatiguee, also known as tbf) and to strain all mental muscles to cram that last bit of what globalisation is about. don't even get me started. Singapore has a brilliant education, albeit one that's militaristic (a little?) and so regimental. okay, so it's not boot camp style or that we have stupid teachers (though we have quite a few), but rather the stress and all the expectation and the amount of impact it has in our lives. it's just too overpowering i must say. though, i would like to not appear weak and redundant among all these budding geniuses and the like, i must say that school life is not easy. repeat after me, it's not easy. anyway, well, after a redundant(love that word) tirade, i have to come to a not-so-nice-but-correct conclusion, that well, even though i(we?) don't like, i guess, like i said, the impact of education on our entire lives are pretty significant. if i'm boring you right this instant, or worse, stirring up anti-PAP (did i just say that?) sentiments, feel very free to leave anytime, cause i don't really care what you think. you are, after all, reading my blog. so, therefore i can be as trash-talking, redundant (3) and as rude as i want to be. it's a free world.

anyway, moving on to the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, or the other side of the fence and a happier note, i just watched the devil wears prada. another horror flick. damn scary sia. haha, okay, so it wasn't my kind of movie, i go for serious and meaningful arthouse movies like scary movie (another scary flick by the way), but it was kinda interesting on the way how people can be so backstabbing, selfish, immoral, backstabbing, er, bad, not nice. anyway, you get what i mean. one thing i learnt from the show (it's good to pick up learning points you know, it's a lifelong skill!) is that girls can be so bitchy. and when i mean bitchy, it's all claws out and tongue lashing. but there was one quote that Miranda Priestly (Anna Wintour?) said, "Please bore someone else with your questions". nasty. but i like. so people who are still reading, please try not to bore me with the "details of your incompetence" even if you "fall and smack your head on the pavenment". So "By all mean, move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me". Even though she was such a bitch, Miranda Priestly (by no means is she priestly at all), it superbly acted by a superb 13-time-nominated-for-the-Oscars actress by the name of Meryl Streep. bow down and worship the bitch. okay, so you think i'm sacrilegious now. fine, but don't forget i warned you all. bow down, or forever hold your peace.

okay, today was a great day out with nicole and renee (re-nay). the end/

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

woohoo, i learned a new word. piece de resistance, which means the most outstading event of a group or series, how "exotic" is that?
anyway, i'm back from a day shopping with mr. exotique, mr. pms and mr. all-mats-are-dumb. teachers' day, after all, is a very special day in my heart. tear.just brings all the memories of special teachers. anyway, we bought mdm. ernie loads of pink stuff, mdm. nabilah a topshop belt (exotic?) and the list goes on.. anyway, the point is why do we celebrate teacher's day? is it some random day that a rich bourgeois aristocrat who is a teacher who decieded to create it so at to receive some love and tlc? or does it have a moral sob story behind it so that all us kiddies will wisen up and be good? anyway(i said that like 4 times already), i don't really care. haha, i was diverting to give an effect for my higher order thinking. wink.

anyway, heres a good piece of gossip on the grapevine. actually fact, cause i got it off first hand, haha, anyway (6). ms. l*is, told me a little secret about mr. i-am-a-son-of-a-raj. according to recent reports, mr. i-am-a-son-of-a-raj is said to be a-son-of-a-raj and possesive. even though he and ms. l*is are not in a relationship, he is freaking her out cause he treats her like her "boo", and that she doesn't like him anymore as a friend. platonic just doesn't seem so right, does it?

anway, at the centre of this controversy, is the scandal involving mr. germ-an, mimi, and moi. Moi, in a flurry of emotions after recieving the terrible news, inflicted, albiet accidentally, a grave injury unto mr. germ-an by mistaking him for mimi. Oh, the horror. Anyway, thats about as much contoversy and excitement there is in my life, besides the sad little love boat in the tumultous sea of kellies and nickies and all the other ies.

sigh, our life sucks. exams are in two weeks and my mom is chasing me to bed cause it's teacher's day tommorrow. can't you tell how excited i am?oh actually, it's teacher's day now, so here's wishing all happy teacher's day.

PS: 1. whats so happy about teacher's day?
2. that said, i feel a little guilty not writing any cards for the teachers on our last teacher's day in VS, but then again nevermind.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

in a blink of the eye, school is back.
in less than twelve hours, i will be having to peel my butt off the bed to go to school, and the vicious cycle of routine will begin again. after a week of dance practice, we finally performed yesterday at Serenade to resounding crowd of five hundred. got my contact lens from nicole. it will probably last two weeks more, and i guess i might continue after that. okay, back to serenade. it was kinda and still quite surreal, five hundred! anyway, moving on, its still the last day of the holidays, and thus signifying my birthday which is in on wed. so all you people out there, you have three days to get me my present. well, i guess its gonna be a drag to go to school. now i shall go off and prepare myself mentally by watching tv.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Stop complaining ; You don't even know me-

Today was such a horrible day, especially in school! The stupid LeeHwaPaik (LHY), and the stupidity of her ignorance really irked me so much, that i gotta blog about it! Its started like any normal day, but as we stepped into the hall, we were greeted by an extremely irritating voice. As we sat down, and were beginning to check the number of pages, i bent down to get a sip of my ice lemon tea. Then, i started to check the number of pages. That was when everything went wrong. LHY, an extremely old grumpy witch started to scream to CLOSE the BOOKLET, lest we get a head start to look at the questions. At first, i didn't think anything about it, as i was innocently starting to check the paper. Then she shouted again, and i looked up to look at what the commotion was. She was three tables away, staring at me, eyes daggers and all, as if i had severely offended. At that moment, i felt as if everyone was staring at me. I felt such an urge to just stand and shout that i was just checking the bloody paper. But no, me being the "gentleman", sat right there at my seat deciding to return the stare. Then we proceeded to start the paper. Then she started to wail in her unearthly voice. Don't write on the topo map with pens, she screamed again. Are we in a prison, i thought to myself, again ignoring her voice as i was using a pencil. Then she screamed again, and by instinct i looked up ; she was staring at me again. I looked at my pencil, and realised it looked like a pen. Stop jumping to conclusions, so badly wanted to shout, but being in an exam, i sat right there, fuming, but sitting there. Decidedly, she has become my no.1 public enemy! But then again, its just my speculation.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

-Jem, now can? -
Well, 11 days to the end and i think i've done not bad thus far, maybe except for today's paper, Physics. My dad was in such a crappy mood yesterday, kinda affected my studying. Mid-life crisis? Anyway, regarding my previous post, i didn't say the girls were chasing me, Suresh. But there's one really wierd KC girl who Jason idiotly set me up by telling her that he knew me. Aargh, not wanting to be mean, she's quite the epitome of ugliness and wannabeness. Its not that she is physically ugly (i'm not such a surface person) but i just get this vibe that just reeks UGLY! She's really desperate too. There i was sitting in front of the bus, innocently listening to my music and drowning myself in my own world, when she just had to wake me up by asking Jason to tell me to go sit with her! And you know what? Her excuse , to cover the desperado spirit, was that she wanted to give some nice chocolates! I'm not falling into your trap, you ugly witch! She told Jason that she liked me, and i don't even know her! Frankly, i was irked by the incident and how people just go by the surface to feel "love". Futhermore, Jason told me she had quite a few ex-s, so we were contemplating whether she was really rich or something. Either that or they were blind.
Well, enough of flaming her and on to something more cheery. I just got a new MP3 player, actually it was last week but yah, WOOHOO! Its a Sony Walkman something 1000, and i bought for such a bargain - $283! Haha, now Jun Jie wants get want too. But still, i had to flex my persuasive muscles to talk my parents into buying another of their "useless and unimportant" stuff. Anyway, i got it in the end, downloaded songs from Timmy's computer (aargh, he got techno!) and now rocking my study table away! But its such a battery parasite, like i have to charge almost everyday, and they said 20hr playback. Nonsense. But i still like it loads, unless i get a IPod Video, but hey, you can't always get everything.
Its 2.41, gotta go mug for Geograpy soon. Wanted to go Jem's house to study, byt after yesterday's almost non-existent studying at his house, we decided to go our separate study ways, till Sunday. So Geography, here i come!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

When Was The Last Time You Were Praised?
When Was The Last Time You Praised Somebody?

When? Wow, this two sentences flashed at the start of the movie, I Not Stupid 2, has definitely impacted me! Prior to watching it, i was highly skeptical of the movie, and more precisely of Jack Neo's work. BUT, after watching i'm a staunch supporter of the movie! Not only did i laugh my heart out, i cried! It was one of the most engaging,accurate and touching movies i've ever seen! It potrayed teenagers so well, that i really felt whatever the characters were feeling. Though it appeals more to the teenage angst, its an extremely good sounding board and eductional experience for the adults too.besides the tons of hilarious scenes, the heart-rending performance by the actors, especially young Jerry, was simply Oscar-winning! Their ability to connect with the audience was simply awesome, and the movie is a definite must-watch. in comparison, the much lauded movie, Memoirs of a Geisha, just pales.though a generally good movie for the less artistically and mentally inclined, the movie comes of as an art-house wannable flick, that fails to provoke the audience to see through the eyes of Sayuri, the lead actress. lacking of emotion, the movie with all its Hollywood stars, is too much of a actor showcase of their "beauty", showing little depth into the life of a geisha. the movie is saved by Michelle Yeoh as Mahema, who plays a kind and experienced geisha. however, the movie does shock with the horrors of a geisha's life, that to be the top dog, you've to sacrifice everything, even love. the only good thing that i've recieved from the movie is respect for the geishas, for their sheer determination and mental and emotional strength. overall, i'm quite confident (and patriotic) enough to say that I Not Stupid 2 trumps Memoirs of a Geisha in almost every aspect, expect maybe its aesthetic quality and star factor.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

i just watched a really heart-wrenching+horrendous+joyous movie, Hotel Rwanda. the movie focuses mainly on the racial discrimination between two classes of the same race, the Hutus and the Tutsis. Before 1994, Rwanda (which is in Africa) was controlled by the Belgians. They had picked the fairer and longed nose Rwandians, because they looked more like them. These were the Tutsi, the elite of Rwanda and ruled Rwanda. However, when the Belgians left, they (STUPIDLY) left the Hutus in charge. The Tutsi who have long been told they were better because of their lighter skin color, had always looked down on the Hutus, although they were all of the same race. This therefore led to a major civil war, with the Hutus wanting revenge on the Tutsi. The main lead, Paul is a Hutu and a hotel manager. The movie shows how, he "adopts" and cares for almost a thousand people in his hotel, defending time and time again against the armed Hutus. The emotional and mental burdens placed upon him is tremendous, as in his hands are placed with mainly Tutsis which were wanted by the Hutus rebels. what i felt most heart-wrenching was the fact that almost 80,000 thousands innocent Tutsis were killed in the civil war and how the UN had BETRAYED Rwanda in its most needed hour. What was horrendous was how the human nature could be so vengeful and so cruel, and because of a STUPID mistake by an external force, unleash a genocide on Rwanda.the joyous part came mainly in the form on how Paul managed to save 800 Tutsi and ophans, and kept the people together admist all the madness. what touched me was when Paul , though had immunity to leave the war-stricken country, chose to stay behind to care and protect the people he had taken in. the story shows on how love prevails, and that even times of need, all you need is a little hope and determination. like what Mr Low said, its all about self-fulfilling prophecies. if Paul had told himself that they would not make it, the 800 survivors would have definitely been chopped to pieces by the Hutus rebels.therefore, what i've learnt from this movie is to always stay optomistic (and alert), and that a friend in need is a friend indeed! i give the movie ***** for its potraying of unity,love,hope,courage and impartialty.

Monday, January 23, 2006

School's in, and lazy butt out. Can't believe that i'm finally 16 and taking my Os at the end of the year! In a crazily fast blink of an eye, the whole of sec3 has been swallowed up and big 4 has appeared. Coming back to school for the 10th time has still somehow retained a bit of its ability to excite for a mere ten seconds before plunging you into the pits of study hell. For now, i feel extremely motivated (experts say its only temporary) to do uber well this year and score well (hopefully) in all the exams. Almost the whole world has asked to do some form of new year's resolution or another, and i think maybe this year i shall blog them down.(with one star being the easiest to acheieve, and five the hardest)
(i)Get 10 points and below for prelim [*****]
(ii)Getting my iPod (mini/nano/photo/???) [* for difficulty deciding]
(iii)Finally getting a pair of Converse shoes [* again difficulty deciding ]
(iv)Getting a dog (preferbly a Siberian Husky) [******]
(v)Staying without a girl until the last day of my Os [***]
(vi)Go out lesser - max 20. hrs? [***]
(vii)Spend more time with my dearest blog [******]
(viii)Laughing in your face [ ]

well, coming to a new year is always exciting, but living the rest of the year is even more so. hopefully, at the end of 06. i can honestly tell myself i've achieved all my goals (how cheesy!)...say cheese! its for rememberance =)